Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9 Days

Our adoption worker came by this morning for our monthly visit, and we're all set. Even though we are short on our "continuing education" hours for our foster care license, it's all fine since we are closing our home anyway.

Our home is full. I had no idea that it was possible to love a child so much. I mean, I heard other people talk about their love for their children, and honestly it all sounded a bit sappy - a lot of hyperbole. But it really is beyond words, and I never knew I was capable of these kinds of depths of emotions. I really had no idea.

Bit-Bit went to the cardiologist and had her EKG checkup. The good news is that the flap/hole has not enlarged and there are no major problems. She'll go back for another checkup when she is 3, but beyond that it will just be in the back of our minds as she grows up, and maybe someday when she is about 7 or so, we'll have the flap surgically closed. But we feel relieved that she got a clean bill of health (from a pediatric cardiologist, no less).

Cookie is doing well - wearing "big girl" panties a lot these days, and even waking up at night to tell us she has to go potty. It's nice to only have 1 set of diapers to change. She's so intelligent it's tough to keep up with her. She is still all about snuggling, which we still love.

I wish more adoptions were this easy for folks, I really do.


Julie said...

You are so blessed- I am so happy for you all!! G too is in big girl panties except at school but that is even increasing- It is so funny- I hope everything is smooth sailing from here for you!! Yippee!!!

Marthavmuffin said...

Your family and ours really have been blessed with an awesome foster adopt story. I am so happy for you.

SD said...

Your girls are adorable! They have such a good, happy home. So glad to hear your finalization is coming up quick! Sort'a wish you would still foster to adopt maybe-as I read this blog and got so much hope since before you adopted Cookie! It was very helpful to follow your story. But we too are on the fence now whether to stop or take more. In anycase, can't wait to hear about the big day!!

Amanda said...

Can't even tell you how happy I am for all of you. Big Congratulations!!!

Lisa said...

It must be a relief to be almost done. I'm so happy for ya'll. I

Overwhelmed! said...

You know how happy I am for you, right? Truly.

The adoption of our son was a cake walk compared to what we're going through trying to adopt through the state, but that's okay. We'll get there when we get there. And if we help a few little ones out along the way, all the better!

Our next court appointment with Boo is 13 Nov. More will be revealed then!

Overwhelmed! said...

So, I'm stopping by specifically to let you know that I've had a prayer answered today! Stop by to see. :)