Friday, September 14, 2007

Cardiologist Says...

nothing to worry about!
Honey Bun had an EKG and an Echocardiogram (complete with ultrasound jelly all over her tiny chest)
Tests detected a small (2mm) opening that is normal for about 25% of the population (if it is what they think it is)
She will be listened to again at age 1 and have another ultrasound at about age 3
If there is any problem, it can be corrected without major surgery

And, cardiomyopathy
Without knowing BM's family history, doctor said he would attribute it to cocaine use (70% of users have an enlarged heart)


No need to check out Cookie until she is about 3 or 4 either, and even then it would just be a precaution since she shows no signs of trouble.

Praise God!


Amanda said...

Such good news. I'm happy to hear it.

Runergirl said...


Lisa said...

Cocaine use causes heart problems. They wouldn't admit this for Princess, but it was in the doctor's report when she died.

Darla said...

I found your blog & hope you don't mind me reading but we have a lot in common. I too have adopted 2 boys. Got 1 when he was 9 months & brother 5 months later t the age of 4. Since the oldest has been diagnosed with ADHD & youngest one we are now having lots of problems with his eyes. I however know some about the mother but they have different fathers but I also know there was drug & alcohol use. I get so frustrated knowing that all of this could have been preventive.
Your girls are so lucky to have you & your husband. My prayers are with you. It's such a long process with the state to get the parents rights taken away. Hang in there & look forward to following your story... My blog is : Feel free to check it out...

JUST A MOM said...

great,, but was there some kind of news I missed?

Julie said...

Yea!!! That is a great Praise!!

Overwhelmed! said...

Oh, thank goodness all is well! I'm so glad. What a relief!

TeamWinks said...
