Friday, June 15, 2007

Well, That Was Anti-Climactic

We showed up for the family team meeting, as did the facilitator, the investigator, and the new ongoing social worker. Gee, see who's missing? Yup. The birth mom and live-in boyfriend were no-shows. But the grandmother does apparently have the ability to call and cuss out the social worker every day. If only she used that energy to get off drugs herself. *sigh* It's all so systemic.

So, the next opportunity for the birthmom to see Ginger will be next Thursday. She lost points with me big-time. If someone took MY child away on a Monday and that Friday was the first opportunity to see my child I'd WALK there across hot coals if I had to! *sigh*

I even had Ginger dressed in a sweet new 4th of July outfit, freshly bathed and powdered. Too bad only we and the social workers got to enjoy it.

Thanks again for the prayers. I guess we were all protected today.


Lisa said...

I will never understand how these "parents" could care so little about their kids. Bubbles mom could have kept her if she moved in the group home, learned how to parent and get educated. Instead, she chose her freedom and now I'm supposed to feel sorry for her.

Btw, if the judge told me I had to live in a cardboard box to keep her, I'd be asking directions to that box!

JUST A MOM said...

haha hot coals,,, I use to say, " push a pea down the middle of the street with my nose!" great day for Ginger for sure.

JUST A MOM said...

Please stop by my place it is for you!

Amanda said...

Ick. It's so hard to want to work with bps like this. I have the same feeling about Lily's dad - the cw told her he could do to JFS and get his paternity test done so that visits could start sooner. His response? "That's OK, I'll wait until the next court hearing."

Anonymous said...

Yeah...similar story at our end...Toots and Noodles' birthmom had a lot of people trying to help her get her act together....but she showed up high for visits with the kids, and walked out of rehab because she didn't like it. I feel sorry for her, but I also can't imagine what she was thinking.

Lisa said...

Wow, a lot for me to catch up on since being gone a week. Guess you aren't looking to get rid of those clothes now? :) I too can't believe the parents like this. I've seen too much of parents choosing drugs over their kids, I wouldn't have my Braeden otherwise, but I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

yep-we had the same sort of thing happen yesterday... I was surprised because although this little Guy's parents are very very young and immature... we believe they have always been in attendence for the visits.(he has been in care for over 7 months...but we only got him a week ago)....his visits between both parents are separate because they are not even allowed to be together since they fought so bad! However-what happened was the Dad completely blew off his visit yesterday-no call no show!!!??? AND THIS IS FATHER"S DAY WEEKEND!!! (Of course, we think it's fine because we would love to adopt him!) But the Mom seems invloved....UGH! How sad for these kids that I read about though. How the parents don't care...but they are blessed for good foster families who want to adopt them...or just take care of them.

Anonymous said...

Tam, you never know. This could be your daughter afterall.

Julie said...

So hard to hear these stories- these children deserve parents to do want to walk over hot coals or push a pea down the street- not run to the nearest crack pipe- so sickning!!!!!!!!! praying for you! this is tough!

Overwhelmed! said...

As you know, we're in training classes now and we've been warned that often times the parents don't show or work their case plan...until the final weeks before termination is due to happen, and then they ask for an extension.

This is not going to be an easy road for us, I fear. I'm sure glad I've found you to turn to for support!